The Jenkins Center for the Christian Understanding of Islam
Brings biblical clarity to the challenges of Islam through educating, training, and preparing Christians for faithful service among Muslim peoples.
Welcome to the Jenkins Center

Our Mission
The mission of the Jenkins Center for the Christian Understanding of Islam is to bring biblical clarity to the challenges of Islam through educating, training, and preparing Christians for faithful service among Muslim peoples.

Our Vision
The Jenkins Center exists to establish a scholarly Christian understanding of the many strands of Islam, and to equip students, pastors, and missionaries with an awareness of the Muslim World in its diversity, in order to boldly and respectfully proclaim the Gospel to our Muslim neighbors to the ends of the earth.
“Islam was not included within the curriculum of Southern Seminary in 1859. Now, more than a century and a half after the seminary’s founding, it is impossible to imagine how a minister of the gospel can be trained and prepared for faithful service without a knowledge of Islam and the challenge it represents. For this reason, the Jenkins Center for the Christian Understanding of Islam represents a central dimension of Southern Seminary’s future.”
—R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Our Goals
These goals represent the fundamental ambitions of the Center and are the basis for planning and operation:
- Facilitate scholarly engagement of Islam
- Equip students and local churches to evangelize Muslims
- Raise campus awareness of Islam and Muslim related issues