Missions Trip to Lebanon

Dani Ruhr — February 14, 2024

“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Col 1:13 – 14). What a joy it is that the “people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” because Christ has come to redeem a people for himself (Isa 9:2). Each story of a sinner who has come to know Christ demonstrates the power of the same powerful God who calls, redeems, and saves.

            In the summer 2023, I had the privilege of traveling to Lebanon on a missions trip with the Jenkins Center. This was a short-term trip where we partnered with churches, local ministries, and engaged in evangelism with Lebanese people. My favorite part of the trip was when we got to meet with Muslim background believers and local believers in their homes to hear how they came to know Christ. When I heard the stories of these believers and how Christ has brought them out of darkness into his light, it left a positive impact on my life that I will not forget.

            On one of these visits to a believer’s home, I was encouraged by a Christian woman’s testimony. She shared how she had heard the gospel and responded in faith by placing her trust in Jesus. After she became a Christian, she was divorced by her Muslim husband and later was forced to be separated from her son. She lives alone in a small room on top of a building in the city. One may feel sad for her that she is alone, as I did at first. However, the Lord has done great work in her and given her joy that can never be taken away. Although she has lost many things because of her faith, she has been brought into the light – out of her darkness – and she has hope and a new life in Jesus. Although she misses her family, she is happy to know Jesus and live for him.

            Listening to her story, along with so many others, has encouraged me that no matter what one may lose for the sake of Christ, what he or she gains is of greater value. I would encourage any student to consider going on a short-term trip with the Jenkins Center or Bevin Center during their time at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary or Boyce College. It will challenge and encourage the students in their faith as well as provide opportunities to further their training for future ministry. I am thankful that the Lord made a way for me to go to Lebanon with the Jenkins Center. I hope many others will take advantage of this privilege while in their studies to serve the Lord and learn through these short-term mission trips.

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